Monday, January 4, 2016

One Little Word

To be completely honest .........I'm not such a fan of New Years Resolutions. It usually takes until the middle of January before I even have my goals for the year and by the end of January I'm done with them! I get so overwhelmed trying to come up with a few and pick the "most important" ones from my long list of imperfections that by the end I usually feel pretty bad about myself.

Two years ago I came up with a great list of goals for myself personally, Nate and I together and for our family. I was so excited to have a great year, get things done together and grow closer together. But when we weren't very successful with completing the goals I had for us I again got down on myself. I felt bad that we weren't being successful, that we couldn't stick to things, that we couldn't follow through, that I couldn't control my family and get them to do what I thought we needed to do. At that point I gave up and this last year I didn't even set goals.

I hated that I was so hard on myself and on my family. I hated that felt like we had to work on "our goals" and perfect them in order to be successful as an individual, couple and a family. Never mind all of the amazing things we were able accomplish and learn and grow from that year. I decided at that moment to take things a little at a time. A year is to long for me. In our current season of life and with the ages of our kids so much can happen and change in a years time. They learn and grow so much just from day to day. A year seems so overwhelming, so far away and so unreachable. Moments seemed much more do able for me and my family.

This year I was skimming through Instagram the morning of New Years Day. A friend of mine had mentioned that she participates in the #olw. It took me a little bit to figure out what in the world that meant but once I did I fell in love with the idea!

One Little Word - for the year - that's it! One word that you want to work and focus on. One little word to think about daily, or as often as you can, and that you feel will improve your life for you for the year.

After discovering #olw and thinking about what mine would be I came up with several different ideas. But the one that I kept going back to and ended up sticking is  ..............                                     

noun: moment; plural noun: moments
  1. 1.
    a very brief period of time.
    "she was silent for a moment before replying"
    synonyms:little while, short time, bitminuteinstantsecondsplit second;
    "he thought for a moment"
    • an exact point in time.
      "she would always remember the moment they met"
      synonyms:point (in time), timehour
      "the moment they met"
    • an appropriate time for doing something; an opportunity.
      "I was waiting for the right moment"
    • a particular stage in something's development or in a course of events.
      "one of the great moments in aviation history"
  2. 2.
    "the issues were of little moment to the electorate"
    "issues of little moment"

I want to be better about taking life one moment at a time. I joke all the time that taking a day at a time is to hard sometimes so I just take it one moment at a time instead. I want to take one moment at a time whether they're good or bad. I want to live in the moment more. Time is going way to quickly and my kids are growing up to fast. I want to be in the moment more. Not just physically but mentally and emotionally as well. I want my kids to know that they matter. I don't want them to have any question whether they are important to me when I am with them. I want to make sure my moments aren't taken over with silly distractions and things that don't really matter.  

                                                     I want to take life one moment at a time
                                   I want to take advantage and make the best of the moments I have
                                                      I want to focus on being in the moment

Here's to a New Year and a new me - one little word at a time.