Thursday, August 19, 2010

Finals Week

You know it's finals week at our house because nothing gets done! Our house is a mess, we eat freezer meals more than normal and we are super sleepy! Finals week this semester was the first week of August. Because my class was a Friday class and the last day of the semester was a Thursday we ended a week early! My mom helped us out so much by watching Braxton for us on Fridays while I was at class. On Friday, July 30th after my final Braxton and I went to the Living Planet Aquarium with Grandma Donna and Jason and Lexi! It was pretty fun. I was actually pretty impressed - even Braxon liked some of it. While looking into the different aquariums if there were big colorful fish to catch Braxton's attention he would watch them swim back and forth across the glass. They have a lot of really cool things to see there.

The best thing about Finals week is when it's over and we can get our house clean and get back to our normal living!

Thanks again Grandma Donna for your help with Braxton while I was in class! I don't know what we would have done without your help!


The Mather's said...

Thank YOU for letting me watch him!! He is so much fun and I love spending time with him!!

Anonymous said...

its finals week at our house everyday. My poor husband always gets frozen dinners and has a messy house! Lol