Thursday, June 3, 2010

It's all about the LITTLE THINGS~

Baby Giggles

Braxton giggled for the first time yesterday and I almost cried! It was so exciting! He only does it if you tickle him on his chest just under his collar bones! Just the last couple of days he has become pretty ticklish but would only smile his big smile and open his mouth like he was trying so hard to get something to come out - but nothing ever would. Last night I was tickling him and expecting nothing but big smiles. So I was totally surprised when I heard him giggle and giggle and giggle! He hasn't done it so much today. I think it's because I used up all his giggles last night - tickling him over and over just to hear his adorable little giggle!

It is so fun and absolutely amazing to see Braxton and the little things he is learning. I wonder how people who have seen little ones grow up can say they don't believe in a higher being. The way that everything works from their development and growth both in the womb and out as well as actually getting them here! It's amazing how most of the time, everything happens exactly they way it's supposed to and when it's supposed too. There are so many little things that could go wrong and they usually don't! Hearing Braxton giggle for the first time is just another reminder to me that Heavenly Father is truly there and is aware of me!

I just now discovered that Braxton also giggles when he is tickled under his arms and on his belly!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

AW!!!! That is so sweet. I hope I get to hear it next time we do somthing! Baby giggles are the best!